Monday, February 5, 2018


What freedom means to you might not be what freedom means to me.
For some  of you freedom simply is getting away from kids, going to bar, date night, spa, nail salon.. etc...

For some freedom is to go and sleep around  spread lies and hurt people , and do whatever the fuck else  they want. And then they get away with it, because they are so amazing manipulating this freedom of theirs...

For others it might be getting home, taking off all clothes , turning on zen music and just enjoying comfort of being home.. And of course there are those who does not believe that such thing as freedom exists...

We all have our freedoms.... But are you really free?

For me journey to  MY FREEDOM started years ago.  At that time I was not quite sure what I was searching, but I knew I wanted to be "free".  Free does not mean single, or alone, or lonely, or lost, or doing my own thing.  Free for me means-  able to   live my life on my terms, and able to let go whatever does not allow me to blossom and accept it all that feeds my soul the way I don't never have to hide again.

Freedom is a beautiful thing but sadly not everyone understands it.  When I  go to bed at night . Lay my head to pillow. Close my eyes, take a deep breath in, and then breathe out.....  Think about  what my mission is..... And with that... I know I had the best possible day , with the best possible outcome... It does not matter how rough it was-- it was still the best day ever, because I am still alive . I am still breathing and I still have a vision..

Freedom for me means - to be me and to be accepted by others the way I am...  And when you find that tribe of yours... You know you are finally home....

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